Calton Paint



Get Your Walls a Superior Waterproofing Coat Calton Care Damp Seal is a waterproofing coating for exterior horizontal surfaces like terraces, parapets and also a waterproofing base coat for vertical walls. It is the best-in-class waterproofing solution, resists positive waterproofing pressure on horizontal surfaces. It provides superior opacity and whiteness to vertical walls.


Waterproofing solution

Calton Care Damp Seal is a reliable waterproofing solution that safeguards your home against water seepage and damage. It provides a strong, protective barrier that resists water infiltration, ensuring your walls and surfaces remain safe and dry, even during heavy rains.

Thick, seamless durable membrane

Upon application, Damp Seal forms a thick, seamless membrane that offers superior durability. Its robust, flexible nature ensures that your home is shielded from cracks and leaks, extending the lifespan of your walls and surfaces.

Cools down your home with heat reduction properties

Not just waterproofing—Calton Care Damp Seal also comes with heat reduction properties, effectively lowering surface temperatures and creating a cooler, more comfortable indoor environment. This makes it an ideal choice for terraces and other areas exposed to direct sunlight.

Anti algae and Antifungal

Damp Seal prevents the growth of algae and fungi, ensuring that your walls remain clean, hygienic, and free from unsightly stains, even in damp conditions.

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